“A slave to Jesus or a slave to Satan!”
You have been given divine authority from our heavenly Father to accept one of these gates!
Which of these gates are you committed? According to God’s Word, there are two spiritual gates of authority given to all of humanity. Either, you will engage one and forsake the other; it’s your selection. The two gates of authority are the “Gates of Righteousness” and the “Gates of Hell,” laid out for your choice. Our Father’s will is for you to join the appointed Gates of Righteousness, because He said, “, . not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”
God said, “I will build my church [you] and the Gates of Hell [Satan] shall not prevail against you!” I will give you the keys [authority and dominion] to the kingdom. Therefore, we are challenged to begin use our divine keys confronting the works of darkness [cast of the works of darkness – Rom.13: 11].
Just as you exercise your authority over your vehicle with your car keys; start to exercise your authority over your life and your family with God’s Word. Remember, you are His Ambassador, go forth in His authority and take dominion.
Solomon said, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people!” Your aggressive authority is desperately needed in such times as these. Lift up your head O’ ye gates [righteous ones] and the king of glory shall come in [anointing you with His authority and power].
Because King Jesus has endowed us with his authority, we are victorious in Christ alone. It’s your faith and authority; calling those things that be not as though they were! Go forth, go forth; now is the time to accelerate.